Monday, August 3, 2009

The happiest little tater in the whole wide world

Can you believe this little guy I dug up today? It was the smallest potato in the patch but he was definitely worth harvesting. He makes me so happy! Mr. Pee Wee Potato Head!

Bruce told me that because of the blight we should check our potatoes, as late blight might spread to them. They looked fine, so far. I harvested a few of them and cooked them up for lunch. A joy!

Today's potato harvest and lunch!

Blight fright!

Yes, it is really happening. I've been worried for a while, ever since I heard Mike McGrath talk about late blight on his radio show You Bet Your Garden

And now my worst fears have come true. I was sick about it for a while but have now accepted it. Everyone's tomatos in the garden are affected. The experts say it's best to pull the plants out and bag them -- throw them out with the trash. But as I still have unaffected fruit on my plants I have not done so yet.

Here's what it looks like. Our plants also took a beating from the torrential downpours this past weekend. Our stakes failed and the tomato plants were smothering my lettuce. I cleaned it up s'best I could.

This is what happens to the fruit, it turns black.